It's been 13 years since the MUNIO was born and by sharing our background we want to have this connection with our customers to show where we come from, why we care about clean products and who we are as a brand on a deeper, more personal level.
SIA Munio Spa has entered contract No. SKV-L- 2016/363 with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency for support of the measure 'International promotion of competitiveness' program co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Munio Candela aicina komandā eksporta vadītāja asistentu. Ja tu esi mērķtiecīgs, tev patīk komunicēt ar cilvēkiem, ir lieliskas angļu valodas zināšanas un analītiskā domāšana, gaidīsim tavu CV un motivācijas vēstuli uz līdz 22.septembrim. Piedāvājam pilnas slodzes darbu.
The time of the year when you surrender to natures might is when you let the bosom fill with colors of emotions - the smell of liveliness, the sound of enjoyment, the touch of shared lust. Let yourself feel like Alice in Wonderland! Embody an artist, playing with brushes and stroking the moments on the glass with candle shape. A moment what captures wink of a lifetime in connection with graceful flower blossom carries in the continuous motion. Light it afresh to remind yourself the essence and beauty of being yourself. The colorful strokes of artists brush give the individuality to each jar. Influence your emotions and give creativeness in connection with blossom fragrances: GRAY - jasmine flowers PALE PINK...
Let's light the candles for those few dark hours tonight. Finding the fern flower is one of the Latvian Midsummer fest traditions we captured in these photos.